To speak with a Volunteer, please call or TEXT: (314) 639-0363
To speak with a Volunteer, please call or TEXT: (314) 639-0363
Want to meet in-person? Meet remotely via Zoom? Just have a phone meeting? How about no meeting - just email? We can help no matter the way you want to communicate. This is the first step. Click here to get started with one of our Volunteers.
Once you answer some basic questions to schedule an appointment, you'll receive access to your Client Portal. Your Client Portal is a secure, HIPPA compliant resource to supply the necessary information needed to help. Knowing your Doctors and your prescriptions is the driving force behind comparing plans and narrowing down your choice.
When you meet with a Volunteer, you can expect to have an educational "Medicare Basics" lesson which will explain the Medicare process. We want you to have the best tools available to make the right decision for your needs - that starts with knowledge. However, if you already know all you need to know about the process, then getting right on into the details of your individual needs is the next step.
After learning all about the Medicare process, you'll discuss your individual needs and review your Doctors and Prescriptions for plan participation with a Volunteer.
Once needs are assessed, a Volunteer will compare all of the plans availalbe in your area to narrow down which one will best fit your needs, as well as provide an estimate of costs for your presctiptions.
Life's journey brings about many changes. Your needs may change. The plans may change. We encourage an Annual Plan Review to make sure you always have the option which maximizes your beneifts at the lowest out of pocket costs. A quick and easy review can be done in-person or online by updating your client portal. Click here to request a review.
At the Medicare Help Center, we offer services from a team of Volunteer, Certified Medicare Advisors. These Volunteers to the Medicare Help Center are rigorously vetted to authenticate they are Licensed by the State and CMS-Compliant Certified. In addition, these Volunteers are Independent Advisors registered wIth the National Association of Insurance Commissions (NAIC).
When you call the number listed on this website, you will be directed to a Volunteer as described above. By providing the Medicare Help Center with your contact information, you agree a Volunteer may contact you via telephone, email or mail to help educate and guide you on your Medicare options. These options may include information about Medicare Advantage Plans (MAPD), Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (Part D), and Medicare Supplement Plans.
Our mission is to provide resources for education on the Medicare process, assistance with Medicare enrollment, and guidance on Medicare plan selection. Guidance for plan selection is based on the Doctors, the Prescriptions, and the individual needs of each Medicare Beneficiary. There are no obligation appointments available, and there is never a fee to Beneficiaries. Our service is 100% free!
In the spirit of true transparecy, any fee associated with plan enrollment is:
a) Set by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and
b) Paid directly to the Certified Medicare Advisor by the Carrier.
The fee is the same from all Carriers in each policy category, so there is never any incentive for a Certified Medicare Advisor to help guide anyone into a plan which does NOT meet the needs or desires of the Medicare Beneficiary.
The Medicare Help Center is not affiliated with, endorsed by or otherwise somehow related to the federal government, CMS, HHS and/or Medicare.
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